[FAQ] — Yield System: NFT Transfer Between Guild Master Accounts
Following our release of iGuild tokens and Guild NFTs transfer, we are excited to announce that Guilds can now have an easy way to transfer between 2 or more Guild Master accounts that they owned, making a better and seamless way to manage all the NFTs across their scholar accounts.
// Here’s what Guild Masters need to do:
Step 1: Connect metamask wallet and login your Yield System master account
Step 2: Go to [Settings] and click [+Add] under [Whitelist of Main Account]
❗Note: Only Guild Masters can perform this feature.
Step 3: Enter the wallet address that you wish to whitelist and click [Save] to proceed.
❗Note: Only supports add whitelist for existing guild master account.
Step 4: [Sign] on metamask wallet and approve to proceed. A pop-up window will be displayed once the wallet has whitelisted successfully.
Click [Ok] to return to main menu in your Yield System and you will see that the wallet has been added to the whitelist.
Step 5: You can now proceed to transfer NFT between the Guild Master accounts. Go to [NFT Management] under [NFT]
Select the NFTs you wish to transfer and click [Transfer Account]
For demonstration purposes, we selected #1013317, #1012285 and #1012295 to perform the NFT transfer
❗Note: Only 10 NFTs allowed for each transfer
Step 6: Select the main account you wish to transfer. For demonstration purposes, we select 0xCCdDdf6FA372290FBd9c191cE5578348504D8334 (the one we just add whitelist above) to perform the NFT transfer
Click [Confirm to Transfer] to proceed
Click [Sign] on metamask wallet and approve to proceed
Click [Ok] to return to the main menu in your Yield System
Congratulations! You have successfully transferred 3 NFTs from Guild Master Account Wallet: 0x4803017c94072D7871Fd80580ffDaB5C049d8035 to Guild Master Account Wallet: 0xCCdDdf6FA372290FBd9c191cE5578348504D8334!
// About WonderHero
WonderHero is a Play to Earn Mobile RPG game, where gamers can earn rare NFTs
(non-fungible token) and sell them on a peer-to-peer marketplace.
The team believes in forming a balanced universe where players of different levels can provide each other income opportunities while having fun at the same time.
WonderHero is led by a stellar team with leadership experience operating in a Top 20 crypto exchange and over 10 years of combined experience in gaming.
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