[FAQ] — Guide to WonderHero NFT Staking

3 min readDec 22, 2021


Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here

Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Stake/Unstake]

Step 2: In the landing page for [NFT-Stake], select the NFT you wish to stake and click [Stake]

Note: You can only stake opened WonderBoxes. So if you have not open your Wonderbox, please go [My Account] and select/open your WonderBox first before proceeding to [Earn] and stake your NFT

Step 3: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve in order to connect to your Metamask wallet so click [Sign]

Once signing is approved on Metamask, click [Stake] to proceed with the staking.

Note: For first time staker, you are required to click [Stake] to sign and approve to connect wallet and then click [Stake] again to proceed with the staking.

Step 4: Once the staking request is submitted, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to your wallet to see the stake status under [Transaction]-[NFT-Stake]


  1. If status showed green tick means staking success
  2. If status showed red cross means staking unsuccessful
  3. If status showed rolling arrow means staking request is still processing so please wait patiently and refresh page for status.

Step 5: Once the stake is successful, under [NFT-Stake] on the main page, you will be able to see the staked NFT and $WND earned during the staking period

// How To Unstake NFT

Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here. Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Stake/Unstake]

Step 2: In the landing page of [NFT-Stake], select [Unstake] and the NFT you wish to unstake and click [Unstake]

Step 3: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve the unstake so click [Sign] to proceed unstake

Step 4: Once the unstaking request is submitted, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to your wallet to see the unstake status under [Transaction]-[NFT Unstake]

Note: There is a 24-hour cool-down period before you can stake the same NFT again (that means you can stake the same NFT immediately after unstaking it)

// How To Claim NFT Stake Rewards

Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here. Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Claim]

Step 2: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve the claim so click [Sign] to proceed

Step 4: Once the claim request is successful, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to see the claimed $WND in your Metamask wallet




Written by WonderHero

WonderHero is NFT play-to-earn mobile game. The game is a turn-based MMORPG for iOS/Android where players collect Heroes, enter RPG combat and earn tokens.

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