[FAQ] — Guide to WonderHero NFT Staking
Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here
Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Stake/Unstake]
Step 2: In the landing page for [NFT-Stake], select the NFT you wish to stake and click [Stake]
Note: You can only stake opened WonderBoxes. So if you have not open your Wonderbox, please go [My Account] and select/open your WonderBox first before proceeding to [Earn] and stake your NFT
Step 3: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve in order to connect to your Metamask wallet so click [Sign]
Once signing is approved on Metamask, click [Stake] to proceed with the staking.
Note: For first time staker, you are required to click [Stake] to sign and approve to connect wallet and then click [Stake] again to proceed with the staking.
Step 4: Once the staking request is submitted, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to your wallet to see the stake status under [Transaction]-[NFT-Stake]
- If status showed green tick means staking success
- If status showed red cross means staking unsuccessful
- If status showed rolling arrow means staking request is still processing so please wait patiently and refresh page for status.
Step 5: Once the stake is successful, under [NFT-Stake] on the main page, you will be able to see the staked NFT and $WND earned during the staking period
// How To Unstake NFT
Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here. Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Stake/Unstake]
Step 2: In the landing page of [NFT-Stake], select [Unstake] and the NFT you wish to unstake and click [Unstake]
Step 3: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve the unstake so click [Sign] to proceed unstake
Step 4: Once the unstaking request is submitted, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to your wallet to see the unstake status under [Transaction]-[NFT Unstake]
Note: There is a 24-hour cool-down period before you can stake the same NFT again (that means you can stake the same NFT immediately after unstaking it)
// How To Claim NFT Stake Rewards
Step 1: Visit www.wonderhero.io and go to [Earn] or you can click here. Select [NFT-Stake] and click [Claim]
Step 2: You will be redirected to your Metamask wallet to sign and approve the claim so click [Sign] to proceed
Step 4: Once the claim request is successful, you can close the pop-up window and proceed to see the claimed $WND in your Metamask wallet