[RECAP] — Live AMA: Exclusive Dialogue with Ethan, CEO of WonderHero on 22 Nov
Ethan: Hi WonderHero Discord community! I’m Ethan, Co-Founder and CEO of WonderHero.io, I think this is the first time we are officially engaging in this channel and I can already feel the hype in this community. The WonderHero team and I have been working intensively over the last 3 weeks on the game and I have so much to share with you guys. Obviously, over the last 3 weeks, there have been many questions on the game’s progress as well as launch dates. I will be answering all these questions in this AMA.
The team and I have not been very active in the community as we were all hands on deck on negotiating partnership deals and ironing out the alpha test details, and we are proud to say that we have good results to show today.
Here’s how today’s AMA will go. It is divided into 11 segments:
- Summarizing milestones of WonderHero
- Success of Alpha Test
- Partnership announcement
- World Premiere of WonderHero Cinematic Trailer
- Roadmap
- WonderHero Open Beta Test
- Launch of NFT Staking, HON token staking rewards
- Launch of Marketplace
- Game Launch
- 2022: The Year of Guilds
- Questions and Answers
Ethan: The last part we’re gonna have questions and answers, where I will be interacting with 5 questions from the Discord Voice chat and then 5 questions from the text based Discord text.
So in terms of the milestones of WonderHero, the IDO was on the 21st of October. In a flash, it’s been 30 days, so since then we had a very successful IDO with WND tokens reaching all-time high at $9.26 and our liquidity ranges from about 2.6 million to 3.1 million.
// Milestones of WonderHero:
1️⃣Successful IDO with WND reaching ATH of $9.26
2️⃣Liquidity range of 2.6M to 3.1M
3️⃣Daily Volume: from 1M to 3.8M
4️⃣Token holders from 3K to 7K
5️⃣Present Market Cap at $31M
Ethan: Our community grew to a size of 29,000 in telegram. Twitter with 54,000 still growing everyday And Discord, the last check was 1800 members, I think it should be more and our communities from all over the world, from Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, France, Turkey, Italy, Japan, Thailand, India, CIS region, including Portuguese and Spanish language. I think I’ve been engaging with a few of you guys in our telegram groups. Sorry, I’ve been a little bit busy lately, but I will still continue to engage with everybody in these communities.
The last part of our milestone is that we successfully launched the LP Staking on WonderHero platform with a TVL (total value locked) of 1.3 million. This surpassed our expectations and we are happy to provide this service to our community. We have more plans for the staking platform. They’ll be coming on on the platform and WND token holders and LP holders will stand to benefit a lot more.
So next up, I’m going to give an update about the success of our alpha test.
// Success of Alpha Test
Ethan: So the team and I spent about 3 full weeks on alpha testing removing bugs ensuring a smooth gaming experience. Today we are proud to announce that we have successfully completed the alpha test and we are satisfied with it!
Ethan: The alpha test took slightly longer than we expected as there were certain areas that did not match with our standards of seamless gaming experience. But overall, we believe in delivering a quality game and did not want to rush the game out that disappoints. I believe everyone in the community has the same expectations and can understand too. We have been tweeting some previews of alpha tests and in case you missed them, here are some of the interesting previews. So this is the lobby of WonderHero game. You can see the detailed animation of our heroes on the interface, the UI is very flat and simple to us. You can also see in the top right, the WND and HON token is integrated up there.
Ethan: All right so later on in the beta test, it will be exactly that except the tokens are in the test environment which is so exciting.
So the next video I’m gonna share with you guys is the alpha preview which is the hero statistics preview.
Ethan: Over here, because some of you may want to focus a lot on improving the stats of your hero, there’s a very simple interface, you can look at the attack, the defense, the hp, the resistance, highest damage. It’s pretty cool.
The next one which is the alpha preview for the full game play.
Ethan: In Battle Mode, you can see the chapters. This is the PvE portion.
You go inside the round, you choose your heroes and once you have decided, you’re good to go. When you play the PvE round, you get to choose your positioning and then you can get to see highly engaging skills as well as the ultimate. So as you can see the gameplay is very smooth there’s no lagging. It’s as good as it is.
Okay all right, so I think you guys get the hang of it. It’s a very successful alpha test, we are very very happy with it and we can’t wait to go into the open beta test portion which I’ll talk about shortly.
For now, let’s talk about the partnership that we’re gonna talk about here
// Partnership Announcement
Ethan: Ok, I believe we are hitting the anchor point of our AMA, which in the past 2 weeks, the community has been asking for this. In the last 2–3 weeks my team and I have been negotiating to achieve the best status for partnerships. I have to say, it has been very challenging to nail down the details and dates, hence the delay. I would like to apologize to everyone here and also thank you for your patience.
Today, I’m proud to announce that WonderHero’s first NFT box sales will be happening on Binance NFT!
Ethan: This will be the first ever time that WonderHero game NFTs will be sold in the market, together with our incubator Polkastarter, we will be placing a lot of focus in the coming days to make this NFT sale one of the best ones in the market. We will be selling 5,000 limited WonderBox on Binance NFT, each Wonderbox will consist of 1 Hero, 1 Weapon and 1–3 equipment, which are the basic requirement to be able to play the game, so having 1 WonderBox will mean you are guaranteed to meet the basic requirement to start and play the game
That’s not all, the WonderBox consist of 2 star to 5 star levels, the higher level, the easier and faster you can progress in the game and have more earning potential. Details of price, dates will be released at the end of the week. We will be slowly releasing more details in the coming days to build up this Binance NFT sale, so stay tuned in our community and social media channels to be the first to know.
In case users missed the chance or did not have enough time to get hold of the WonderBox from Binance NFT sale, fear not, you can either buy them at Binance NFt marketplace OR we will also be selling these WonderBox on our website at a later date. We will release more information in the very near future, definitely before the game launch.
Now, there are a few more large partnerships coming up but again we are fine tuning and negotiating the details and I promise the next 30 days will be jam-packed with delightful announcements.
This Binance NFT partnership is one of the first that we nailed down now. Because of the importance of this Binance NFT partnership, we have been working hard to get this partnership, and we were lucky to slot in and get it at the end of the November slot with Binance NFT.
Hence i would like to let everybody know that everything in our Roadmap will be shifted by approximately two weeks now. I’m very sorry to say this but it was really hard to navigate this while getting the best of both worlds, something got to give if you want to align with good partnerships on their timeline. I think everybody understands this hard decision we have to make here. However a delay is a delay, it doesn’t mean we are compromising with quality or deliverables, if anything i think this is going to increase the standards of WonderHero as well as more global exposure and marketing from Binance NFT. So this is the part I want to share about the partnership, and next up this is going to be so exciting.
// World Premiere of WonderHero Cinematic Trailer
Ethan: I think this is also one of the surprises of the AMA, don’t think anyone expected this. Our CMO, Zander, who has 10 years of experience in the traditional gaming industry, has been working on a WonderHero Cinematic Trailer in the last 3 weeks. We felt we wanted to give you guys, our biggest supporters, a little more video excitement. You guys here in this AMA, are the first people in the world to watch this World Premiere of WonderHero Cinematic Trailer.
I will be unmuting this community for a while to hear your comments after watching the trailer. I will be muting myself for 3 mins so that everyone can watch the video and after that we will unmute the community for you guys to share your first opinions after watching the video, after which, we will mute again and carry on with the AMA.
Without further ado, let’s start the film rolling!
(Some technical issues with audio during community feedback session)
Ethan: Okay i want to engage with you guys a lot more inside the AMA chat or Telegram chats or communities later. I’m so sorry there’s some technical matters here that I need to iron out but we can have another opportunity like that again.
We’ll move on to the next segment but I hope you guys enjoyed the cinematic trailer. We put a lot of effort in it and if you like it do share it on your social media.
You’re the first to have seen this and we have a lot more videos coming up after this, we’re gonna have a game play trailer etc.
Okay, so next is regards to our updated roadmap.
//Updated Roadmap
Ethan: So with regards to our roadmap, this is what we are looking at.
Ethan: With the Binance NFT Mystery Box sale happening at the end of November, we decided to go the extra mile to create the open beta test for a few invited members only, this is to ensure that the game quality will be great. Open Beta will begin at the beginning of December. We will release more updates a few days before the opening beta so that you guys can participate in the campaigns to get the open beta seat.
For NFT Staking, Staking to earn HON token rewards, Marketplace launch, is going to launch in early December too, key dates will be released as we get nearer to early December.
Looking at the open beta, we will be launching WonderHero game in Mid December, just in time for the holiday season. I will talk more about the game launch later in this AMA.
//WonderHero Open Beta Test
Ethan: The team and I pondered on this for quite a while as creating the functions and public environment for the Beta test is a lot of work, however, we felt that going the extra mile for the public and fans to give constructive feedback to us before the game launch is the way to go. We are looking at invite-only Open Beta Test and the campaign details on how to qualify for it will be released before the open beta test.
Ethan: The open beta test will consist of the entire game including playing to earn $HON and $WND in a test environment, the beta test will be conducted on both iOS and Andriod phones. We will work closely with beta testers for feedback on play to earn ecosystem, bugs, gameplay and more. The team will be doing adjustments with the play to earn mechanics to make it optimal for game launch with a big bang. We will be rewarding beta testers on a bug bounty program as well as many more milestones for beta testers. We will give updates in our community as the date nears.
//Launch of NFT Staking, HON token staking rewards
Ethan: After the Binance NFT sale, we will launch NFT staking and $WND staking to earn $HON rewards, this is to ensure that during the game launch, there is enough circulation of $HON tokens for players to use to upgrade their NFTs to progress through the stages and play to earn more tokens. We are looking at early to mid December on this.
The launch of these functions will also include using Early Community NFT Badge as extra computing power to get more staking rewards.
// Marketplace
Ethan: We will also launch the Marketplace shortly after the launch of NFT Staking, so users can buy and sell WonderHero NFTs there and collect their favourite heroes. Dates will be announced a few days before the launch. We are looking at early to mid December on this.
// Game Launch
Ethan: And finally, once we are cleared out on the feedback from open beta test, we will launch the game in Mid December, of course, we will have fun campaigns to countdown to the game launch date. We are sorry about this delay as earlier in our roadmap, we mentioned about the launch of the game in November, as we want the Binance NFT partnership very much and going the extra mile of doing the open beta test, these ultimately caused us to shift the launch to mid December, one thing is for sure, WonderHero will launch better and bigger than expected. Stay tuned for the precise date when we are nearer to Mid December.
// 2022
Ethan: Many are asking about what are the plans in 2022 after the game launch for WonderHero. WonderHero has a separate department in stealth mode solely working on Guilds, as we feel Guilds will define the year of 2022, we will develop Guilds further than any games have and push Guild expansion and ecosystem after the launch of the game. Time is of the essence here, I will reveal this key information after the launch of the game, if you guys are planning on creating your own Guilds or joining one, please do so fast because our platform will make your guild better. That’s all I can say for now.
// Questions and Answers
Ethan: Okay, we will open up the floor to questions, there are NO rewards for selected questions, so this isn’t your ordinary AMA Q&A, we will start with 5 Audio questions first, and then we will continue with 5 Text questions.
// Audio Q&A
Community Q1: Besides iOS and Android, will WonderHero be available on PC?
Zander: (answers the question because Ethan was facing some technical issue) We are primarily mobile-focused, because we believe mobile will enable us to deliver the game to more gamers around the world. As of now, we do not have a PC version on our roadmap, though it could be a possibility, it isn’t on our list of priorities for the upcoming months.
Community Q2: About the NFT sale on Binance, what currency would that be in? Would that be in the WND token or something else?
And then the second question I had was, as you mentioned that you’ll be focusing on the mobile platform, so would the iOS and Android roll out simultaneously?
Ethan: All right, good questions man. So first of all, so in terms of currency we’re looking at BUSD because it’s on Binance platform right, so BUSD as the stable coin to purchase, so that’s very straightforward. For your second question, we are running the iOS and Android open beta test simultaneously, because that’s also one of the objectives to see all the android versions which ones have bugs and which ones have a different occurrence. So we did that with alpha in the internal environment and then now we’re going to jump onto that for open beta. I hope I’ve answered your question Ratservant. Shall we jump to the next person for the question?
Community Q3: Hello, my question is about NFT staking, I don’t know what it means and I just wanted to ask what will be the rewards of NFT staking and how does it work?
Ethan: All right. Cool. Very good question man. So you see when the core team and including me, when we’re designing this project we are thinking if it is just NFT as a resale value as well as playing the game wasn’t sufficient. Our objective was always to create more income streams for the user base and the gamers in this game.
So basically, besides the NFT which is the requirement to play the game, if you have 1 hero, 1 weapon and 1 equipment for example, you can play the game to earn the tokens, you will be happy with it. But say for example, you know there are times that you take 2 days leave or you know you’re going on a holiday or anything like that, and you won’t be available to play the game for 3 days or 5 days, what you can do is you can take these 3 NFTs and you can stake it on our platform in return of WND tokens, so that is another value for your NFTs to be used.
Just now during the AMA, I mentioned that somewhere in early to mid December ,we are launching this but i think you missed the detail here. So when we are launching this, you can use the NFTs to stake to earn HON tokens which is Honor, so with HON tokens when the game is launched, immediately you will have HON tokens to upgrade your NFTs, if you need to upgrade. So that’s my answer to your question.
Community Member: Okay thank you very much. Do you mean staking means we delegate the NFT to another player that will play with it during our holiday for example?
Ethan: Yeah if you can, it is up to you. You have 2 choices in this case, if you assign the NFT to a player to play the game for you, then obviously the NFTs are being used. But if you choose not to do that and you just want to stake your NFTs… because this NFT staking function we are opening it before the game is launched.
Community Member: That’s clear, thank you very much.
Ethan: All right thank you. So next up, we have Santiago. Hi Santiago.
Community Q4: I just wanted to ask what’s the difference between the NFT sale that we have now in Binance and maybe the WND that we already bought. What’s the difference between these two?
Ethan: Oh yeah sure. So the WND token is basically the currency and the governance token that represents the project. If you have more WND and then you stake it on our platform, you get to have voting rights about the future direction of the game. So this is a currency altogether but if you’re looking to play WonderHero when it’s launched in mid December, you need to have at least 1 hero, 1 weapon and 1 equipment to play the game. And these 3 things are NFTs (non-fungible tokens). So it’s basically game items that are tokenized and it belongs to you and you only. You can deposit into the game and then those belongs to you, you can use these NFTs to play the game, and when you play the game you get to earn HON tokens which is the main play to earn token, and as well as in some special stages you earn WND token which is the governance token.
So I hope I answered your question, Santiago. Can you tell the difference?
Community Member:: Yes, perfect. Thank you very much.
Ethan: Thank you Santiago. All right.
Community Q5: So for WonderHero, is there going to be like some sort of breeding functions in the future like Axie Infinity or something?
Ethan: Oh yeah, that’s a very good question. So when we actually launch the open beta, our CMO, Zander, will be releasing a lot of guides in terms of the weapons and heroes. So when he released these guides, you will pay attention to one part, which is about the weapons. So some of the weapons that you want to have are specific to some of the heroes that you want. For example, Angela Hunt, there are some items specific to Angela Hunt that you want to have that boost her ultimate skills.
There will be guides in terms of how you modify your weapons to be able to reach that weapon so that is good for Angela Hunt. So there’s no breeding of heroes in this case, but the weapons can be modified using different NFTs to merge together and modify into one upgraded NFT. Unfortunately this upgraded NFT cannot be broken down back again, so it’s a one-way direction.
Community Member: Is there like a set amount of BUSD that will be used to mint the NFTs? Is it a secret?
Ethan: It’s a fixed set of BUSD, that is used to purchase the mystery box. I mean we can’t say it now because we are coordinating together with Binance on this, along with AMA with them as well. So stay tuned, i think it’s just the coming few days but at least we made the announcement today. Luckily like we let it out of the box finally.
Community Member: Okay thanks!
Ethan: All right, thank you! okay so shall we jump to the text-based questions?
// Text Based Q&A
Q1. Are there skins NFT for each hero? Are skins good for specific classes only?
Ethan: Very good question man. So if you saw some of our previews from our Twitter and Telegram posts, you saw like Sarah in a few different skins right, so we have different skins for each hero, including Angela Hunt you have seen a few skins as well. So skins are basically cosmetic changes for the hero but I mean there’s no additional like specific functions that are for your hero, it is basically cosmetic. Yeah and all classes and all heroes actually have different skins.
so when it comes to the WonderBox with the Binance NFT sale some of you may get Sarah some of you may get Ashanti for example, but the skins might be different and the level could be different as well, so that’s the fun part, everybody’s going to get slightly different NFTs. Can’t wait for it to happen man.
All right, so let’s jump to the next question.
Q2: Most of the time, on Binance NFT sales, the bots take everything and the general population gets nothing. I understand that it is as it is and Binance NFT sales is BIG, but are there any steps taken to protect serious buyers/ future players so they can also buy something?
Ethan: Yeah that’s a very very good point. I believe this is something we can actually raise as well and discuss with Binance NFT, but at the same time don’t have to worry about this too much because we have a second batch of NFT sale that is happening on our own website after that as well, so we’ll make sure that there is enough NFT supply even after the Binance NFT sale for everyone.
Q3: We see on the discord a scholarship section, do you have any idea how this will work?
Ethan: Very good question, I’ve been waiting for somebody to ask that. We are a little bit early for this question, but that’s fine, I’ll just share over here as well, so when the game is launched in mid-December, we’re gonna let a lot of folks play the game and and very shortly after that we’re going to launch our Yield system, which is the Guild Management System. And for guilds to come in to bring their scholars in. We will share a lot more details about that, but basically this Discord scholarship section is for our guilds to come in to look for scholars that are interested to play the game, and for scholars to come in and join their guilds. So if you are a player that is looking to join a guild, this section is something to look out for because we will drive our guilds over to this section if they are looking for more scholars.
Q4: As a mobile game will there be IAP included in the game like other mobile games that sell packages (take mir4 as reference)?
Ethan: I don’t think we will be. I don’t know how to answer this question very clearly but I’ll try my best. So our WonderBox is a package that includes all the NFTs that are required to play the game. But i guess what you’re trying to ask is like those mobile games that you buy in a huge package where it includes a lot of items and credits. So we’re not going to do that. If you want to get the WND tokens, you have to go to PancakeSwap, if you want to buy NFTs, you have to go to Binance NFT marketplace or you have to go to our own marketplace on our website to buy the WonderBox itself. Yeah that’s my answer.
Q5: Is there any limit on the WonderBox? Like Axie, there are no boxes of Axie anymore. How is this game going to be expanded in the future if supply is limited?
Ethan: So at the start right, when we are selling the WonderBox, we will look at the quantity of token holders and then we adjust from there. So for example, if the token holders are 20000, then we will just take 20000 multiplied by 3, which is 60000 NFTs out there.
But when the game stabilizes, we will not sell WonderBox anymore and we’ll take the sale of WonderBox down totally. And so for users who are new users after that, they have to buy the NFTs from the marketplace either from Binance NFT Marketplace or our own WonderHero Marketplace. These are the only 2 ways. The other way is to join a guild to play the game.
So there will be a kink if suddenly we have a lot of token holders. For example all our guilds are communicating to us that there is too little supply of NFTs, then we can arrange for another WonderBox sale, but until then we are very reluctant to increase but obviously, we have to do the math if there is severely a limit on NFTs, then we obviously have to do the WonderBox sale.
The other way is when guilds and scholars play the game, of course, there are NFT drops as well, free NFT drops. So when they play the game a lot more, we can actually increase the percentage of NFT drops as well. So this will also allow current players to be able to sell on the marketplace for those additional NFTs that they don’t need, to also facilitate this supply to the new gamers.
The WonderBox includes the hero, but when you play the game some of the drops include the hero itself as well. So the drop is an NFT, it can be a hero, it can be a weapon or it can be equipment.
Okay. That’s the last question if I didn’t get it wrongly.
// Ending
Ethan: Thanks everyone for being here for the AMA. It’s a good one hour, we appreciate your attendance and I hope everyone’s excited for the coming days of WonderHero. The next 30 days will be the next defining moment for the project and let’s make it happen!
There are more partnerships that I want to announce, we are just nailing down the details. And as soon as we nail down all the details we’ll be announcing them.
The next 30 days are going to be jam packed and I will still continue to engage and interact with everyone in the global community as well as our regional communities.
I’d like to thank you for being here and have a great day! Bye.
*End of AMA*
Watch the full stream here:
// About WonderHero
WonderHero is a Play to Earn Mobile RPG game, where gamers can earn rare NFTs (non-fungible token) and sell them on a peer-to-peer marketplace.
The team believes in forming a balanced universe where players of different levels can provide each other income opportunities while having fun at the same time.
WonderHero is led by a stellar team with leadership experience operating in a Top 20 crypto exchange and over 10 years of combined experience in gaming.
Be sure to follow the official WonderHero channels for the latest information and updates.
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